Friday, April 10, 2020

Envirotize Uses Nisus DSV

Envirotize Uses Nisus DSV:


Coronavirus Treatment

“Disinfectant-Sanitizer-Virucide Service from West Palm Beach to Vero Beach”

In 2020, the entire planet stopped spinning. In Greek mythology, it said that the titan Atlas holds the Earth with his strong arms. He has to carry it with his arms to infinity. But today, he has found someone to replace him. Or rather something. NISUS DSV disinfectant.

As you already know, Coronavirus is very contagious. An infected person can spread the virus to others, even if they have no symptoms whatsoever. The number of cases worldwide now exceeds one million. We are harming our loved ones without even knowing it. This has been the biggest crisis ever experienced by our recent generation. For some, it effects will be felt for the rest of their lives. We have not yet developed an immunological barrier to limit its spread.

COVID-19 spreads by droplets emitted during coughing and sneezing. If the droplets do not land on another person, they fall on a surrounding surface—furniture, food, cardboard, dishes, clothing. In short, everywhere. If you touch an infected surface, and then put your hand to your face, you can become infected. That’s where NISUS DSV comes in.

In March 2020, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) confirmed that NISUS DSV could fight the virus. NISUS DSV is a concentrated solution. It is a cleaner, a fungicide, and a sanitizer. Besides SARS-CoV-2, it stops a lot of contagious viruses such as Hepatitis B and C, Avian flu, E. Coli, staph, Hantavirus, and strep. According to its producer, Nisus DSV is suitable for daily use and in the case of a significant health crisis. It kills all viruses and bacteria in commercial and residential areas.

Thousands of people are now stuck at home and have been for weeks. Not everyone is lucky enough to live in a big house. Many parents have to become teachers for their children while others are losing their jobs. Companies and large industries are failing. Everyone is afraid. Going out for grocery shopping, seeing a doctor, or walking the dog has become a mask and glove worthy task. Everything has now become a war mission. The difference here is that the enemy is invisible.

Nobody knows how the future will look like. It’s a new situation that everyone would like to get out of as soon as possible. NISUS DSV could be our light at the end of the tunnel.

DSV & Coronavirus : Schools

While all the buildings are now closed, programs are still expected to complete from home. Many parents have become teachers. This is not an easy task, especially for parents who have to work from home at the same time. It is especially difficult when the children are smaller. They are full of energy and they have no outlet. They cannot go outside or play with friends. Many daycares are also closed.

The situation is also tricky for students who are supposed to take exams. Most universities have canceled them. Many high schools, however, still maintain the baccalaureate. Some students are not able to understand the work on their own. With this lack of pedagogical supervision, many worries for their future success.

Some institutions offer online courses. In this case, the teacher communicates via video conferencing. A major reorganization of the education system is taking place.

DSV & Coronavirus : Restaurants

It’s not about having a special night out in your favorite restaurant anymore. It’s about not eating out at all. Even fast-food restaurants are not open anymore, except for drive-through services. The only thing one can count on is delivery. Those people are taking risks. You can get infected when opening a package or getting the mail. Everything coming from outside should now be under scrutiny. When getting home with groceries, one should disinfect every box. NISUS DSV disinfectant can do the trick.

DSV & Coronavirus : Public transportation

Some urban transport is still running. People who cannot work at home or who have to go to the doctor can take public transportation. A 6-foot safety distance is mandatory. A mask and gloves may also help.

On the international level, the situation is different. Planes no longer fly, except for repatriations or evacuation of COVID-19 patients to relieve congested hospitals. The same goes for bus or train stations. Any movement is now forbidden. In a world as globalized as ours, it’s almost unbelievable.

DSV & Coronavirus : Office spaces

Open spaces, co-working places, offices – everything closed. Almost no sector is spared. When possible, employees work from home. Some are already suffering from the Coronavirus. Many find themselves unemployed. This can be bad news on the financial side. If we look at the positive side, we can consider this period as a break. It’s an excellent opportunity to be with our families. Some workplaces have turned into mask factories. Some have shifted production and are now making ventilators. Everything is centered around the common good. It is a great social initiative.

DSV & Coronavirus : Home

Home, sweet home. This is not what we say anymore. Instead, we are dreaming of going out of our home. Some dream of traveling again or going on vacation in the sun. Others dream of going back to work so daily life goes back to what it used to be. Still, others miss working out on the beach or going to the gym. The main concern is much more straightforward than that. When are we going to walk free on the streets again? When are we going to meet our family or friends again?

It is a significant time period to say the least. We now can take some time for ourselves. “Not enough time” is not an excuse anymore. Let’s relax, read books, and reflect on our lives. We can try meditation or yoga or simply workout in our living rooms. The time has come for learning new things you never had time for, playing board games, spending time with your loved ones, or trying some new recipes. We can organize, clean out the old, and help each other. Simply talking has become the new artform. These are things that you can do when stuck at home during this quarantine. It is more valuable than you think, and when this period is over, we may even miss it.

If you live in shared facilities, you can get to know your neighbor. If there are some older people live in the same building, offer to help them with groceries so that they don’t have to go out. Either disinfect the products for them or leave the bags at the doorstep so that you don’t get too close. This is the least we can do. Social distancing doesn’t mean isolation

The point is to make sure we are all working together and all staying safe. Using DSV in your home allows your family the peace of mind knowing that your home is clean. Viruses and bacteria stand no chance!

DSV & Coronavirus : Military facilities

Aside from the doctors, nurses, and ambulance drivers, the military is also doing a tremendous job. All missions are now oriented to fighting the virus. Most military facilities have become hospitals. They take some patients from the city hospitals. The army also helps to transfer patients from one hospital to another. Their actions are contributing to slowing down the pandemic and flattening the curve. Having a cleaner such as DSV at their fingertips can save lives. Having clean and sanitized work stations is vital for success in this fight.

DSV kills E.Coli, Salmonella, Staph and more

  • Campylobacter jejuni
  • Candida albicans
  • Corynebacterium ammoniagenes
  • Enterbacter aerogenes
  • Enterbacter cloacae
  • Enterococcus faecalis
  • Enterococcus faecium
  • Escherichia coli
  • Escherichia coli 0157:H7
  • Legionella pneumophila
  • Klebsiella pneumoniae
  • Listeria monocytogenes
  • Proteus mirabilis
  • Proteus vulgaris
  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa
  • Salmonella typhi
  • SARS-CoV-2
  • Serratia marcescens
  • Shigella dysenteriae
  • Shigella flexneri
  • Shigella sonnei
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Stahpylococcus epidermidis
  • Streptococcus pyogenes
  • Trichophyton mentagrophytes
  • Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Citri
  • Xanthomonas campestris pv.Vesicatoria

ProControl’s Envirotize using DSV has been added to EPA List N: Products with Emerging Pathogens and Human Coronavirus Claims for Use Against SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19.

ProControl’s Envirotize Service includes a Disinfectant, Sanitizer, Virucide is a concentrated disinfectant, cleaner, mildewstat, fungicide and sanitizer.  Kills a broad spectrum of viruses, bacteria and fungi. Disinfects water damaged areas or public facilities such as schools. Labeled to kill Hantavirus, E. Coli, Hepatitis B and C, Avian flu, staph, strep, SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) and many other viruses and bacteria. 

Call ProControl today for an Envirotize quote. Price starting at $.25 sq/ft.

The post Envirotize Uses Nisus DSV appeared first on Pro Control Services.



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